Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What's New....

Since I haven't posted in awhile, quite a bit. But not to bore I will keep it current.

-70 degree weather, then ice and snow and then 70 degree weather. At least I know that while I'm white knuckling the steering wheel as I slide down the road that by the next day I can lay out if I want. Which I have yet to want.

-Spring Break. We stayed home. I usually go to Az but it didn't happen this year. So we spent our days doing things around here. I think the kids favorite day was when we went to Denver ate at Casa Bonita and went to the park. I went to Casa Bonita when I was a kid and still remember it. The crazy gorilla, cliff divers. I thought it was awesome. Going back as an adult....completely different experience. But the kids thought it was great. Gavin asked me if it was a 5 star restaurant. You don't get MSG headaches from a 5 star.

-My dining room is no longer Terra Cotta colored and the office no longer has a navy blue accent wall. One more step out of 1985 and one step closer to 2011.

-Serger. Oh the possibilities....I have yet to pull it out of the box. I know that when I do all other projects will be shoved aside. So, I am in project mode, motivation...serge my day away without guilt!

-Gabriel is missing 6 teeth. 3 of them molars. I can also fit comfortably in his shoes. (not that I would want to) I wear an 8.

-I'm cubmaster. I knew I would be involved in scouts having two boys but...cubmaster? So far I have made it through blue and gold and pinewood derby. If you don't like looking like an idiot in front of people...become a cubmaster. You get over it real quick.