Saturday, September 18, 2010


I've been gone for awhile. I don't know if I should blame it on the fried graphics card in my MAC, graves disease, busy schedules...
So, Greg moved my photo program to another computer gave it some extra memory and we are good to go. I decided that if I had blogged this summer I would give a highlight of what it would of been.
Summer started off with a three day cub scout day camp at the Air force academy. Boys loved it!
Then continued with a family reunion. My sister in law was sweet enough to hold it at her house. This entailed having up to 40ish people sleeping at her house. The unfinished basement was filled with tents, some slept in the yard.  It was a bit crazy but it is always good to see family.

Caught up with MaryAnn one of my missionary comps.
Hiking up to the waterfall.

silk worms
Melinda & Monica- two of Greg's 7 sisters
Ashleigh the hostess and sweet Sariah

The boys

1 comment:

Amber Strehle said...

Ah the kiddos are getting soo big!! I was so excited to see a post on my blog roll this morning!! Gosh I miss your face!!