Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I'm radioactive. Yesterday I took my radioactive iodine pill. It's the main treatment for graves disease. So while no one is allowed to get to close to me, share my glass or use my bathroom, for a week I will start feeling better. I think if you have to be radioactive you should at least glow a bit when you turn off the lights.
I don't know..maybe superhero powers for a week. It would be a lot more fun for the kids.


burtons*north said...

i love you, hope you are feeling betttttttter! i am sure you are! this is old new right?!

Steven M. Scoles said...

Radioactive rot rates are typically expressed regarding their half-lives, and the half-existence of a given atomic animal types is identified with its radiation hazard. The diverse sorts of radioactivity lead to distinctive rot ways which transmute the cores into other compound components. Looking at the measures of the rot items makes conceivable radioactive dating. Radiation from atomic sources is dispersed just as in all bearings, complying with the converse square law.

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