Saturday, December 20, 2008

Few Of My Favorite Things

So, here are a few of my favorite things from this crazy week!

* Going to the Nutcracker with my daughter and friends! We went to lunch and then watched the Matinee. I barely finished her dress in time (it had lining and many other things that were a first for me!) and she loved it! (Huge sigh of relief). We had a great time.
*Family Gatherings. We were supposed to go to the Temple lights but it was raining so we visited, ate Mom's homemade cinnamon rolls with hot chocolate and of course played RockBand!

*The huge Candy Cane Bagels a neighbor dropped off, these were good!
*Button Ribbon from Anthropolgie. I almost skipped putting it on my friends gift but knew she would love it so...I buttoned it on!
* Paper Star Ornaments! For some reason I thought the kids had school until Tues. next week. Why? I don't know, so when Thursday night came and I realized that I needed teacher gifts for the next day... Paper Star ornaments saved me! The template etc. is on BHG web page.
*The adorable matching Mom and daughter matching aprons my friend sewed up that I don't have a photo of since I have been wearing it nonstop while I Holiday bake!

1 comment:

Go Gratitude said...

Miss Anna Banana ~

I woke up this morning, a dream fading with you in there somewhere ... and I wondered how to re-connect? Then thought, "Oh my stars! What is her last name???" It's been so looonnngggg ...

First, I heard Peace, then Paz ... finally Paz Soldan slowly rose through the mists of this mornings waking dream. Yes! That's it. Paz Soldan!

Then a flood of memories from times long gone by. Wow.

I AM great-full to read your blog ... to see you and your sweet family. Thank you for sharing, and for the ability to play catch up! Everyone (and their families!) have grown so much ... and your Mom, she is soooooo beautiful. Time is wearing well on her. A reflection of what is within, for sure.

I AM in Vancouver, WA ... just across the river from Portland, marveling at the massive snow and fallen branches in my back-yard. Very peaceful. Or Paz-full. ;-)

Here's my email if you wish to connect or catch up: Stacey @ GoGratitude dot org

Please pass along some love and hugs to all ... and give yourself a big hug from me, too!

Love you, sis!
