Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Green Flowers

I finally pulled out my sewing machine. I have a huge list of tutorials, patterns etc. that I want to work on. I finished my shirt made from a linen curtain/table liner I picked up at a remnant shop when I was in SF. It's from a Made by Wendy pattern. I think I will make more from some vintage sheets. Check this sewing gal out... Emu. She has used the same pattern for some shirts and the vintage dresses she sews...so in love. I am almost done my dress from a vintage pattern. The thought of dragging my kids to a store to buy a zipper etc. is definitely keeping me from finishing it for a bit. Maybe I will brave it soon...might have to resort to the Icee bribe.


Amber Strehle said...

ooh Anna!! I LOVE it!! And look you are not so stinking hot that you have to wait til December to wear that cute little number!! Good job lady!! How are the thrift stores in CO???

hogans house said...

I want to see your cute face with that cute shirt!!